Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011

Does anyone really understand Medicare?  There is no possible way that one human being can wrap their brain around the entire concept and rules and regulations of Medicare.  Now we're in a donut hole?  Oh joy - so let me get this straight.  I paid for Medicare all these years when I worked and now that I need it, it isn't there for me.  Ok - just as long as I completely understand THAT fact then there really is not reason to sweat it out.  

Kurt's been doing a lot of researching on prescription assistance and shopping around for the best prices.  CVS Pharmacy so far seems to be the one most willing to take the time to help you find the best discounts.  They didn't mind weeding through the multiple discount programs we have signed up for.  In fact, one lady took 20 minutes to find us a great deal.  

We want to share some of the websites that we use to get prescription assistance.  There are more and the first place anyone wants to look is the manufacturer of the medication.  Many times you can get up to 120 days worth shipped free to your doctor.  So check the manufacturer first.  I know Kurt would be more than happy to help anyone so you can email him at if you need help. (so far this seems to be the best.  Of 6 programs researched at the Pharmacy, this one gave us an almost 80% discount over any other program)

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